Nuclear Disarmament

Nuclear weapon test Romeo on Bikini Atoll, 1954. Photo courtesy of the US Dept. of Energy

The existence of nuclear weapons poses the single greatest threat to humanity today. The stockpiles held by the United States, Russia, France, the U.K., China, India, Pakistan and Israel have the capacity to destroy the Earth hundreds of times over. As well, approximately 40 member-state parties to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty have legally acquired nuclear technology for peaceful purposes and also therefore have the capability to develop nuclear weapons.

The proliferation of nuclear weapons and the threat of terrorists seeking to acquire them heightens the existing dangers.

The U.S., Russia, the U.K., France and China possessed nuclear weapons when the Treaty went into force, and committed to eliminate their arsenals.

Though the numbers have been reduced, much more must be done to achieve total prohibition and abolition of nuclear weapons. The pace is slow and some of these states are upgrading their stockpiles and asserting that nuclear weapons are essential to their security strategies.

There is no ban on nuclear weapons, though they are indiscriminate weapons and their use would constitute a violation of International Humanitarian Law. It is not currently illegal to manufacture them, stockpile them or target a city deemed of military interest. According to the Advisory Opinion on the Legality of Nuclear Weapons, if it is believed that the survival of the state is at risk, it is not illegal to threaten to use and to use nuclear weapons. However, any use would have catastrophic humanitarian consequences and would contravene International Humanitarian Law.

Despite the end of the Cold War and better relations between Russia and the United States, the two countries still have thousands of nuclear weapons, on continuous high-alert status, targeted on each other. Thus, the risk of accidents, accidental launch, terrorist acquisition and attacks remains.

Cities are at risk. The design and purpose for nuclear weapons is to target the most densely populated areas, to kill the maximum number of civilians and to destroy their habitats. Military installations do not require the massive destructive power of a nuclear weapon. 


Nuclear Disarmament Content

By John Burroughs, J.D., Ph.D.

Chapter 11 of Ray Acheson, ed., Beyond Arms Control: Challenges and Choices for Nuclear Disarmament

Reaching Critical Will Project of the Women's International Leage for Peace and Freedom


This conference brought together over 100 Hibakusha (surviving victims of the atomic bombings of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki) with survivors and family members of the World Trade Center disaster on 9/11 to address the unique political, psychological and spiritual contributions survivors of atrocity and their families can make towards a more peaceful future.

Countdown to Zero will be released on DVD and Blu-Ray on November 23, 2010.  We encourage you to watch and promote the film and take ac

The Simons Foundation made an early commitment to the United Nations to provide funding necessary to establish an independent international commission to examine how to reduce the threat of Weapons of Mass Destruction. The Foundation provided organizational support throughout the process as the private funder and principal sponsor. The Government of Sweden responded to the UN Under-Secretary-General’s call and formed The Weapons of Mass Destruction Commission.
The Steps toward a Nuclear Weapons Convention: Exploring and Developing Legal and Political Aspects seminar and roundtable on November 13, 2008 brought legal and political experts together with delegates from 35 countries, including some Nuclear Weapons States, to explore the legal, technical and political elements required for comprehensive nuclear abolition and to identify steps toward this goal which could be taken in the short and medium term.
The Simons Foundation was the principal sponsor of a groundbreaking poll conducted by Canada’s World on how Canadians see their role in the world, and the role of their country, not simply what they believe their governments should be doing. The Simons Foundation’s primary interest was in citizens’ responses to nuclear issues.

In 2007, The Simons Foundation commissioned a Global Public Opinion Poll to measure public attitudes towards the possession, proliferation and possible use of nuclear weapons.

This consultation built on a Strategy Consultation convened in Vancouver in October 1999, at which The Simons Foundation honoured the Hon. Lloyd Axworthy, then Canada’s Minister for Foreign Affairs, for his role in calling for a review of NATO’s nuclear policy.
Convened by The Simons Foundation in partnership with The Nuclear Age Peace Foundation, Project Ploughshares, and Simon Fraser University in Vancouver, Canada, on October 28-29, 1999.