Outer Space Security Conference Series at the United Nations in Geneva

In 2002, The Simons Foundation and Project Ploughshares, in partnership with Canada's Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade (now Global Affairs Canada), initiated what has become the Outer Space Security Conference Series organized by the United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research (UNIDIR) at the Palais des Nations in Geneva. The Simons Foundation continued to partner with UNIDIR and fund the Outer Space Security Conferences held to inform the UN Conference on Disarmament on the issue of space security, the peaceful uses of outer space and the prevention of an arms race in outer space until our Space and Cyber Security programme was closed in 2020.
The 2019 Outer Space Security Conference, "Supporting Diplomacy: Clearing the Path for Dialogue" was held May 28-29, 2019 at UNIDIR in Geneva and organized in cooperation with UNIDIR’s long-standing partners, The Simons Foundation Canada and Secure World Foundation, as well as the Fondation pour la recherche stratégique.
More information and reports on the previous Outer Space Security Conferences at the United Nations in Geneva are available from The Simons Foundation and from UNIDIR at the links below.
Space Security 2018: Space Security-The Next Chapter
May 2018
Space Security 2017: Celebrating the Outer Space Treaty: 50 Years of Space Governance and Stability
April 2017
Space Security 2016: Sustaining the Momentum: the Current Status of Space Security Conference Report
April 2016
Space Security 2015: Underpinning Foundations of Space Security
August 2015
Space Security 2014: Implementation and Compliance
March 2014
Space Security 2013: Enhancing confidence, securing space stability
April 2013
Space Security Conference 2012: Laying the Groundwork for Progress
March 2012
Space Security Conference 2011: Building on the Past, Stepping towards the Future
April 2011
Space Security 2010: From Foundations to Negotiations
March 2010
Space Security 2009: Moving Toward a Safer Space Environment
June 2009
Security in Space: The Next Generation
March 2008
Celebrating the Space Age: 50 Years of Space Technology, 40 Years of the Outer Space Treaty
April 2007
Building the Architecture for Sustainable Space Security
March 2006
Safeguarding Space Security: Prevention of an Arms Race in Outer Space
March 2005
Safeguarding Space for All: Security and Peaceful Uses
March 2004
Outer Space and Global Security
November 2002