"Blundering Toward Nuclear Chaos: The Trump Administration after 3 years"

American Nuclear Policy Initiative, an independent project of Global Zero
Jon Wolfsthal, ed.
May 2020

The American Nuclear Policy Initiative (ANPI), an independent project of Global Zero featuring a task force of former government & non-governmental experts, released its new report providing an objective analysis of U.S. nuclear policy under the Trump administration. The report details activities on nuclear proliferation, strategic stability, nuclear modernization, Iran, and North Korea, making clear there are growing concerns about most, if not all, of the various nuclear dangers facing the United States and its allies.

See the link below for the full report:

"Blundering Toward Nuclear Chaos: The Trump Administration after 3 years"



Global Zero is a non-partisan international initiative dedicated to public education, dialogue and awareness-raising among the public and opinion leaders about the urgent nuclear threat and proposals for the elimination of all nuclear weapons. The Simons Foundation Canada is the principal sponsor of Global Zero and Dr. Jennifer Allen Simons is a Founding Partner and Canada Chair of Global Zero.