“Reflections of a frustrated nuclear disarmer” & “Reflections of an Incorrigible Optimist”

Prof. the Hon. Gareth Evans, AC, QC

Please see the following links for these recent addresses by Prof. the Hon. Gareth Evans:

“Reflections of a frustrated nuclear disarmer”
Dinner Address by Prof. the Hon. Gareth Evans, AC, QC
“Korean Peninsula in Crisis: What can Australia do?” Policy Roundtable 
Canberra, Australia
March 26, 2018

“Reflections of an Incorrigible Optimist” 
Address by Prof. the Hon. Gareth Evans, AC, QC
The Illawarra Connection
Wollongong, Australia
April 10, 2018


The Hon. Gareth Evans, AC, QC, is Chancellor of the Australian National University; President Emeritus of the International Crisis Group; and Co-chair of the International Advisory Board of the Global Centre for the Responsibility to Protect.  As a recipient of "The Simons Foundation Award for Distinguished Global Leadership in the Service of Peace and Disarmament", he has also been named one of The Simons Foundation's Peace Shapers.