"Securing the Cosmos: Current International Proposals to Prevent an Arms Race in Outer Space"

Presentation by Paul Meyer
Securing the Peaceful Use of Space for Future Generations Conference
Convened by Project Ploughshares, Canadian Pugwash, and Science for Peace
Waterloo, Ontario
May 23-25, 2012
"Outer space is an environment that has long held the fascination of human kind and from the dawn of time we have tried to interpret its significance for us mortals down below. Recent years have brought their share of scientific and astronomical success in investigating outer space, but also a remarkable growth in the utilisation of outer space for a wide range of civilian and military purposes. Today it is estimated that there are some 1000 satellites in operation, owned by over 60 states. Importantly, no longer is exploitation of outer space the preserve of a small group of advanced industrialized states. A dozen states currently have the capacity to place an object into orbit and an even larger number own and/or operate satellites. Developing countries are increasingly to be found beside developed ones in possessing satellites and practically every country on the globe is a consumer of space-based services in some form or the other."
Click here for the complete presentation and the conference agenda.
Paul Meyer is a Fellow in International Security, Centre for Dialogue, Simon Fraser University in Vancouver, Canada, and Senior Fellow, The Simons Foundation.