“Star Wars: Coming soon to a space near you – the diplomatic alternative”

Analysis by Paul Meyer
Senior Fellow in Space and Cyber Security
The Simons Foundation Canada
Published by the Centre for International Policy Studies, University of Ottawa
October 3, 2019
"Will Outer Space become a new frontier for international conflict? Or can it remain a global commons? As states dither, this question may soon be taken over by other actors." Visit the Centre for International Policy Studies at the University of Ottawa at the following link for analysis by Paul Meyer, The Simons Foundation's Senior Fellow in Space and Cyber Security.
“Star Wars: Coming soon to a space near you – the diplomatic alternative”
Amb. (Ret) Paul Meyer is Senior Fellow in Space and Cyber Security, The Simons Foundation; Adjunct Professor of International Studies and Fellow in International Security at Simon Fraser University in Vancouver, Canada; and Chair, Canadian Pugwash Group.