"Towards a deliberately built peace: the inevitable negotiations on Ukraine"

Ernie Regehr, O.C., Senior Fellow in Arctic Security and Defence

Commentary by Ernie Regehr, O.C.
Senior Fellow in Arctic Security and Defence
The Simons Foundation Canada
Published by The Hill Times (subscription required)
June 22, 2023


Visit The Hill Times for this commentary by Ernie Regehr, O.C., Senior Fellow in Arctic Security and Defence at The Simons Foundation Canada.

"Towards a deliberately built peace: the inevitable negotiations on Ukraine"

-The likelihood of either side in this war ever being in a position to dictate settlement terms to the other is remote, and that means talks are inevitable.



Ernie Regehr, O.C. is Senior Fellow in Arctic Security and Defence at The Simons Foundation Canada, and Research Fellow at the Institute of Peace and Conflict Studies, Conrad Grebel University College, University of Waterloo.