Space and Cyber Security Resources

By Paul Meyer
Senior Fellow, The Simons Foundation
Published by The Washington Quarterly
Volume 38, Issue 2, 2015


Space Security Index 2015 is the twelfth annual report on developments related to safety, sustainability, and security in outer space, covering the period January-December 2014.  It is part of the broader Space Security Index (SSI) project, which aims to improve transparency on space activities and provide a common, comprehensive, objective knowledge base to support the development of national and international policies that contribute to the security and sustainability of outer space.

The Space Security Index is a research partnership made possible by financial and in-kind support from The Simons Foundation; Project Ploughshares; Erin J.C. Arsenault Trust Fund at McGill University, Faculty of Law; Institute of Air and Space Law at McGill University, and the Space Policy Institute at George Washington University.

Commentary by Paul Meyer
Senior Fellow, The Simons Foundation
Published by - Canadian International Council
December 31, 2014

Space Security Index 2014 is the eleventh annual report on developments related to safety, sustainability, and security in outer space, covering the period January-December 2013.  It is part of the broader Space Security Index (SSI) project, which aims to improve transparency on space activities and provide a common, comprehensive, objective knowledge base to support the development of national and international policies that contribute to the security and sustainability of outer space.

The Space Security Index is a research partnership between the Institute of Air and Space Law at McGill University, The Simons Foundation and Project Ploughshares.   The project is made possible through the generous support of the Institute of Air and Space Law at McGill University, the Erin J.C. Arsenault Fund at McGill University, the Space Policy Institute at George Washington University, the Project Ploughshares and The Simons Foundation.T

Commentary by Paul Meyer
Senior Fellow, The Simons Foundation
Published by Embassy
October 29, 2014

by Paul Meyer
Senior Fellow, The Simons Foundation
Simons Papers in Security and Development No. 38, July 2014
School for International Studies
Simon Fraser University

By Amb. (Ret'd) Paul Meyer,
Senior Fellow, The Simons Foundation
Simons Papers in Security and Development No. 38/2014
School for Interantaional Studies, Simon Fraser University
July 2014


Remarks by Amb. (Ret'd) Paul Meyer
Senior Fellow, The Simons Foundation 
Space Security 2014: Implementation and Compliance Conference
Palais des Nations
Geneva, Switzerland
March 19-20, 2014

Commentary by Paul Meyer
Senior Fellow, The Simons Foundation
Published by
November 12, 2013

Space Security Index 2013 is the tenth annual report on developments related to security in outer space, covering the period January to December 2012.  It is part of the broader Space Security Index (SSI) project, which aims to improve transparency on space activities and provide a common, comprehensive knowledge base to support the development of national and international policies that contribute to the security and sustainability of outer space.

SSI is a consortium of governmental, non-governmental, and academic organizations that produces the annual Space Security Index. The Governance Group is comprised of representatives from Canada's Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development (DFATD), the Eisenhower Center for Space and Defense Studies, the Institute of Air and Space Law at McGill University, the Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses, The Simons Foundation, Project Ploughshares, and the Secure World Foundation; and members of the Advisory Board represent the Intelsat General Corporation, the United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research (UNIDIR), the Space Policy Institute at George Washington University, and HEC Montreal.

The Space Security Index is supported by Secure World Foundation, The Simons Foundation, Project Ploughshares, and the Erin J.C. Arsenault Trust Fund at McGill University.