Resource List

Remarks by Dr. Jennifer Allen Simons

Global Zero World Summit
Paris, France
February 2nd – 4th, 2010

Report of the Dialogue on Mobilizing the Will to Intervene

Vancouver, BC

November 27, 2009

The Simons Foundation in partnership with the Montreal Institute for Genocide and Human Rights Studies (MIGS) at Concordia University, Simon Fraser University’s Centre for Dialogue and Canada’s World convened a Dialogue with representatives of the media, business leaders, government representatives, academics and relevant civil society organizations on generating the Will to Intervene to Prevent Mass Atrocities.

Professor Frank Chalk, Director of MIGS and Co-Director of MIGS’s Will to Intervene Project (W2I) led the discussion on the most effective ways to mobilize local support and generate the Will to Intervene to prevent mass atrocities. The Dialogue was chaired by Dr. Mark Winston, Academic Director of SFU’s Centre for Dialogue, and moderated by Ms. Shauna Sylvester, Director of Canada’s World.

The Dialogue was one of three events held during the two-day Vancouver Launch of the W2I Project report, Mobilizing the Will to Intervene: Leadership and Action to Prevent Mass Atrocities.  The fundamental goal of the report is to identify strategic and practical steps to raise the capacity of government officials, legislators, civil servants, non-governmental organizations, advocacy groups, journalists, and media owners and managers to build the political will to prevent mass atrocities.

A session for academics and students focusing on the findings and policy proposals of the report was held on Thursday, November 26th at the Morris J. Wosk Centre for Dialogue. A Public Lecture by Professor Frank Chalk highlighting MIGS case studies of Canadian and US policies towards the 1994 genocide in Rwanda and the 1999 events in Kosovo was held that evening.

Policy Report of the Will to Intervene Project

Montreal Institute for Genocide and Human Rights Studies (MIGS)

Concordia University



The Will To Intervene Project (W2I) is a crucial initiative developed jointly by General Roméo Dallaire and Dr. Frank Chalk of the Montreal Institute for Genocide and Human Rights Studies (MIGS) that is spearheading the fight against genocide by building domestic political will in Canada and the United States to prevent future mass atrocities. W2I's ground-breaking 2009 policy report, Mobilizing The Will To Intervene: Leadership and Action to Prevent Mass Atrocities, contains concrete policy recommendations for the governments of Canada and of the United States, as well as recommendations for journalists and civil society groups, which will advance this goal. It details the long term consequences to Canadian and American security, public health and prosperity that result from mass atrocities, which make engaging in the prevention of such atrocities in each county's national interest.

Conference Report

United Nations, Geneva, Switzerland

June 15-16, 2009


"Space Security 2009: Moving towards a Safer Space Environment" is the eighth annual conference held by the United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research on the issues of space security, the peaceful uses of outer space and the prevention of an arms race in outer space.

At this year's conference, presenters and participants addressed five primary topics: architectures for improving space security, ensuring space sustainability through confidence- and security-building measures, elements of treaty-based security, international law and space security, and emerging issues for space sustainability.

Speech by Dr. Jennifer Allen Simons

Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs
The Hague, the Netherlands
April 17th-20th, 2009

Graduate Research Awards for Disarmament, Arms Control and Non-Proliferation are offered by The Simons Foundation and the International Security Research and Outreach Programme (ISROP) of the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada (DFAIT).

The primary objective of the Graduate Research Awards is to enhance Canadian graduate level scholarship on disarmament, arms control and non-proliferation issues.

Convened by The Simons Foundation in partnership with the School for International Studies, Simon Fraser University
Morris J. Wosk Centre for Dialogue
Simon Fraser University
Vancouver, Canada
April 11-12, 2008

Vancouver, BC
April 11-12, 2008

In 2007, revelations about the impact of climate change on the Arctic, as well as actual events in the Arctic, led to this region becoming the focus of international attention. Recognizing the importance of the subject to both national and global affairs, Simon Fraser University’s nascent School of International Studies, in partnership with The Simons Foundation, decided to engage in a voyage of intellectual exploration by examining different aspects of Arctic security and co-convened a dialogue conference around the various issues.


Conference Report

United Nations, Geneva, Switzerland

March 31-April 1, 2008


"Security in Space: The Next Generation" is the seventh annual conference held by the United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research on the issue of space security, the peaceful uses of outer space and the prevention of an arms race in outer space.

This conference looked at ways to build trust in space activities in the future as well as how to move from confrontation to cooperation as a way to increase space security and improve access to outer space for peaceful activities. Participants and presenters discussed the need for new international legal instruments, with specific reference to the China–Russia proposal for a Treaty on the Prevention of the Placement of Weapons in Outer Space, the Threat or Use of Force against Outer Space Objects.

Graduate Research Awards for Disarmament, Arms Control and Non-Proliferation are offered by The Simons Foundation and the International Security Research and Outreach Programme (ISROP) of the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada (DFAIT).

The primary objective of the Graduate Research Awards is to enhance Canadian graduate level scholarship on disarmament, arms control, and non-proliferation issues.