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See The Simons Foundation's Disarming Arctic Security page for briefing papers on military policies and practices in the Arctic region by Ernie Regehr, Senior Fellow in Arctic Security and Defence at The Simons Foundation.
See the link below for Dr. Jenifer Allen Simons' introduction to the Fifth Simons Symposium on Weapons of Mass Destruction and Their Elimination at the 62nd Pugwash Conference on Science & World Affairs, Confronting New Nuclear Dangers, held in Astana, Kazakhstan, August 25–29, 2017.
The Simons Forum on "The Responsibility to Protect: Re-Energizing the Key Players" brought together 30 international experts in Vancouver in March 2017 to discuss how best to reinvigorate the global response to the threat and reality of genocide and other mass atrocity crimes. The full report of the Forum is now available at the link below.
Visit The Washington Post at the link below for this commentary by Bruce G. Blair, one of The Simons Foundation's Peace Leaders.
Visit The Hill Times (subscription required) for this op-ed by Ernie Regehr, Senior Fellow in Arctic Security and Defence at The Simons Foundation.
The United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research (UNIDIR) annual Outer Space Security Conference Series provides stakeholders with an overview of current space security initiatives, an update on the implementation and adherence to existing instruments and a view of the way ahead. Click here to view the report of "Space Security 2017—Celebrating the Outer Space Treaty: 50 Years of Space Governance and Stability."
The Graduate Research Awards for Disarmament, Arms Control and Non-Proliferation (GRA) is a joint programme of The Simons Foundation and the International Security Research and Outreach Programme of Global Affairs Canada with the primary objective to enhance Canadian graduate level scholarship on non-proliferation, arms control and disarmament (NACD) issues.
Friday, July 7, 2017 should open up a new chapter in global nuclear affairs with the adoption at the UN of the world's first treaty prohibiting nuclear weapons. Visit at the link below for commentary by Paul Meyer, Senior Fellow, on what it might mean for Canada and the traditional nuclear order.
See The Simons Foundation's page on The Canadian Defence Policy Review for briefing papers by Ernie Regehr, O.C., Senior Fellow in Defence Policy and Arctic Security at The Simons Foundation.
Visit for this article by Ernie Regehr, Senior Fellow for Defence Policy and Arctic Security at The Simons Foundation.