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Ernie Regehr, O.C. will join The Simons Foundation as Senior Fellow responsible for the Foundation’s Arctic Security programme, effective October 1, 2012. Mr. Regehr’s activities will involve research and writing for the purposes of disseminating information on issues of Arctic security and the pursuit commitments to region-wide cooperative security principles and arrangements.

By the Hon. Gareth Evans, A.C., Q.C.
Published by Project Syndicate
September 25, 2012

Space Security Index 2012 is the ninth annual report on developments related to security in outer space, covering the period January to December 2011.

Presentation by Paul Meyer
Securing the Peaceful Use of Space for Future Generations Conference
Convened by Project Ploughshares, Canadian Pugwash, and Science for Peace

Opinion piece by UN Secretary-General BAN Ki-moon
August 30, 2012

Position Papers presented by recipients of the 2011-2012 Graduate Research Awards
Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada (DFAIT)
Ottawa, Canada

By Daniel Flitton
Published by The Sydney Morning Herald
August 10, 2012