All Highlights

April 23 is the Annual Day of Remembrance and Action against Mass Atrocities and this month marks the 20th anniversary of the genocide in Rwanda.

Letter to the Editor by Ernie Regehr, The Simons Foundation's Senior Fellow in Arctic Security

This research was first launched in 2011 with a seed grant from The Simons Foundation of Vancouver, Canada, that came to Princeton University through Global Zero, a nonprofit organizati

April 2014 marks the 20th anniversary of the Rwandan genocide.

With deep sadness we mourn the death of Jonathan Schell, Peace Leader at The Simons Foundation.

Commentary by Amb. (Ret'd) Paul Meyer
Senior Fellow, The Simons Foundation

There are between 20-22 US-owned B-61 nuclear bombs stationed in the Netherlands and none of them address today’s security threats.

In 2002, The Simons Foundation and Project Ploughshares initiated, in partnership with Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada (DFAIT), the first of what has become an