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In 2002, The Simons Foundation and Project Ploughshares initiated, in partnership with Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada (now <

By Paul Meyer, Senior Fellow at The Simons Foundation
Published by The Washington Quarterly
Volume 38, Issue 2, 2015

Space Security Index 2015 is the twelfth annual report on developments related to safety, sustainability, and security in outer space, covering the period January-December 2014. It is part of the broader Space Security Index (SSI) project, which aims to improve transparency on space activities and provide a common, comprehensive, objective knowledge base to support the development of national and international policies that contribute to the security and sustainability of outer space.

Commentary by Amb. (Ret'd) Paul Meyer
Senior Fellow, The Simons Foundation

See The Simons Foundation's Disarming Arctic Security page for briefing papers on military policies and practices in the Arctic region by Ernie Regehr, Senior Fellow in Arctic Security
See The Simons Foundation's Disarming Arctic Security page for briefing papers on military policies and practices in the Arctic region by Ernie Regehr, Senior Fellow in Arctic Security
See The Simons Foundation's Disarming Arctic Security page for briefing papers on military policies and practices in the Arctic region by Ernie Regehr, Senior Fellow in Arctic Security