Nuclear Disarmament Highlights

Visit at the link below for the Tom Uren Memorial Lecture delivered by Prof. the Hon. Gareth Evans, AC, QC, a Peace Shaper with The Simons Foundation as a recipient of The Simons Foundation Award for Distinguished Global Leadership in the Service of Peace and Disarmament.
See The Simons Foundation's page on Canadian Defence Policy for briefing papers by Ernie Regehr, O.C., Senior Fellow in Arctic Security and Defence at The Simons Foundation.
Click here for a transcript of the address to the Parliament of the World’s Religions given by The Simons Foundation Peace Leader, the Hon. Douglas Roche, O.C., in Toronto, Canada, on November 5, 2018.
See The Simons Foundation's page on Canadian Defence Policy for briefing papers by Ernie Regehr, O.C., Senior Fellow in Arctic Security and Defence at The Simons Foundation.
All are invited to attend a panel discussion on "Nuclear weapons: local and planetary risks and the effort to ban them" from 3:30-5:00pm on Wednesday, November 7, 2018 in Room 4400 of SFU's Segal Graduate School of Business at 500 Granville Street, Vancouver. The Simons Foundation will host a reception with light refreshments prior to the panel discussion from 2:45-3:30pm.
Canada has long been associated with the pursuit of a treaty to ban the production of fissile materials for nuclear weapons. Visit the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists at the link below for comments on the latest consensus report of the “high-level fissile material cut-off treaty preparatory group” chaired by Canada from Paul Meyer, Senior Fellow at The Simons Foundation.
The Simons Foundation is pleased to share this important Alternative U.S. Nuclear Posture Review prepared by Bruce G. Blair, Ph.D., one of The Simons Foundation's Peace Leaders, for the Program on Science and Global Security, Princeton University and Global Zero, Washington, DC.
All are invited to attend this free Public Dialogue with nuclear security expert, Bruce G. Blair, Ph.D., SFU's 2018 Simons Distinguished Visiting Fellow in International Law and Human Security, at the SFU Morris J. Wosk Centre for Dialogue in downtown Vancouver on Wednesday evening, September 26, 2018.
Visit Arms Control Today for these remarks by Dr. Hans Blix, Swedish diplomat, former Chair of The Weapons of Mass Destruction Commission, Head of the UN Monitoring, Verification and Inspection Commission (UNMOVIC) and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), and a Peace Leader at The Simons Foundation.
The Hiroshima Prefecture has released "Hiroshima Report 2018" which studies, analyzes and evaluates 36 countries’ performance on nuclear disarmament, non-proliferation, and nuclear security in 2017. The report lays out challenges for nuclear-weapon-states to work on nuclear disarmament and introduces efforts being made by non-nuclear-weapon states.