Speeches & Presentations

Transcripts of selected speeches and presentations made by Dr. Jennifer Allen Simons are available for download here and in the Resources section.

"Nuclear Weapons and Gender" - Opening Remarks
Co-convened by The Simons Foundation Canada and the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation
Third Meeting of the States Parties to the Treaty for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons
United Nations
New York, NY
March 6, 2025

"Parliamentarians for the TPNW" Conference - Opening Remarks
Co-convened by The Simons Foundation Canada and the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN)
Third Meeting of the States Parties to the Treaty for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons
United Nations
New York, NY
March 3, 2025

“The Danger of World War III” Panel Discussion Opening Remarks
Nuclear Disarmament in Times of Unprecedented Risk Roundtable
-convened by Canadian Pugwash Group, Canadian Network to Abolish Nuclear Weapons, Canadians for a Nuclear Weapons Convention, and Project Ploughshares
Ottawa, ON
October 24, 2024

Simons Panel on Prospects for Nuclear Disarmament - Opening Remarks
The Vienna School of International Studies and the Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs
Vienna, Austria
September 13, 2024

"Parliamentarians for the TPNW" Conference - Opening Remarks
Co-convened by The Simons Foundation Canada and ICAN
Second Meeting of States Parties to the Treaty for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons
United Nations
New York, NY
November 27, 2023

"Setsuko Thurlow: The Case for Abolishing Nuclear Weapons" - Opening Remarks
The University of British Columbia
Vancouver, BC
November 24, 2023

First Youth-Parliament Nuclear Summit - Opening Remarks
Parliament Hill
Ottawa, ON
November 20, 2023

Common Security and Nuclear Deterrence: How to replace the current reliance on nuclear weapons with sustainable security for all Conference - Opening Remarks
Convened by Basel Peace Office, Global Security Institute, 
Parliamentarians for Nuclear Non-Proliferation and Disarmament, 
UNFOLD ZERO, World Federalist Movement, and the World Future Council
United Nations
Vienna, Austria
August 4, 2023

2021-2022 Graduate Research Awards for Disarmament, Arms Control and Non-proliferation Awards
Award Winners' Seminar
Opening Remarks
Lester B. Pearson Building, Global Affairs Canada
Ottawa, Canada
November 30, 2022

"Future of Global Non-Proliferation, Arms Control and Disarmament Regimes: the NPT and the TPNW"
Canadian Pugwash Group: Restoring a Strained Global Security Architecture Conference
Waterloo, Ontario
October 20-21, 2022

"The Post-Ukraine Nuclear Threat Environment"
Conference of Defence Associations Institute
Metro Expert Series Webinar
October 3, 2022

Welcome Remarks on the Occasion of the First Meeting of the States Parties to the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons at the Opening Event co-convened by The Simons Foundation Canada and the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons
Vienna, Austria
June 20, 2022

"Canada and the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons" Conference Opening Remarks and Presentation of The Simons Foundation Award for Distinguished Global Leadership in the Service of Peace and Disarmament to Amb. Alexander Kmentt
Fairmont Château Laurier Hotel
Ottawa, Canada
November 29, 2021

Ursula Franklin Award for Distinction
Acceptance speech by Jennifer Allen Simons, C.M., Ph.D., LL.D.
President, The Simons Foundation Canada
Canadian Voice of Women for Peace Mother's Day Awards Gala "Celebrating Women"
Toronto, Canada
May 11, 2019

"No-First-Use of Nuclear Weapons"
Canadian Pugwash Group event: "Strategies for Advancing towards a World Without Nuclear Weapons"
2019 Preparatory Committee for the 2020 Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty Review Conference
United Nations
New York, NY
May 1, 2019

2018-2019 Graduate Research Awards for Disarmament, Arms Control and Non-Proliferation
Award Winners Ceremony
Opening Remarks
Lester B. Pearson Building, Global Affairs Canada
Ottawa, Canada
March 28, 2019

The Simons Foundation Award for Distinguished Global Leadership in the Service of Peace and Disarmament
Award Presentation
Dinner in honour of Dr. Bruce G. Blair, Ph.D.
Rosewood Hotel Georgia
Vancouver, Canada
September 27, 2018

2017-2018 Graduate Research Awards for Disarmament, Arms Control and Non-Proliferation
Award Winners Seminar
Opening Remarks
Lester B. Pearson Building, Global Affairs Canada
Ottawa, Canada
March 1, 2018

"Prospects for Nuclear Disarmament"
Fifth Simons Symposium on Weapons of Mass Destruction and Their Elimination
62nd Pugwash Conference on Science & World Affairs, Confronting New Nuclear Dangers
Astana, Kazakhstan
August 25–29, 2017

The Simons Foundation Award for Distinguished Global Leadership in the Service of Peace and Disarmament
Award Presentation
Dinner in honour of Professor the Hon. Gareth Evans, AC, QC
Rosewood Hotel Georgia
Vancouver, Canada
March 23, 2017

2016-2017 Graduate Research Awards for Disarmament, Arms Control and Non-Proliferation
Award Winners Seminar
Opening Remarks
Lester B. Pearson Building, Global Affairs Canada
Ottawa, Canada
February 9, 2017

“Promising Initiatives for Changing the Discourse”
Nuclear Age Peace Foundation Symposium: The Fierce Urgency of Nuclear Zero: Changing the Discourse
Santa Barbara, CA
October 23-25, 2016

"From Hiroshima to Fukushima: Poetry of Nuclear Survival"
Opening Remarks
A Poetry Reading by Sayuri Yoshinaga with Ryuichi Sakamoto
The Chan Centre for the Performing Arts - Telus Studio Theatre
University of British Columbia
Vancouver, Canada
May 3, 2016

"Nuclear Dangers from Hiroshima to Fukushima" panel discussion
Opening Remarks
Liu Institute for Global Issues
University of British Columbia
Vancouver, Canada
May 3, 2016

2015-2016 Graduate Research Awards for Disarmament, Arms Control and Non-Proliferation
Award Winners Seminar
Opening Remarks
Lester B. Pearson Building
Global Affairs Canada
Ottawa, Canada
February 26, 2016

"Revisiting the Russell-Einstein Manifesto for Humanity's Sake: Paths Toward a Nuclear-Weapon-Free World"
Opening Address
Fourth Simons Symposium on Weapons of Mass Destruction and Their Elimination
61st Pugwash Conference on Science and World Affairs: Nagasaki's Voice: Remember Your Humanity
Nagasaki, Japan
November 1-5. 2015

"Individual Responsibility in a Rapidly Changed World: We must be the change we wish to see in the world - Mahatma Gandhi"
Mahatma Gandhi Commemorate Lecture
Thakore Visiting Scholar Award
Institute for the Humanities, Simon Fraser University
October 1, 2015

Convocation Address
Simon Fraser University Spring Convocation 2015
Burnaby, Canada
June 10, 2015

The Simons Foundation Award for Distinguished Global Leadership in the Service of Peace and Disarmament
Award Presentation
Dinner in honour of The Honourable Madame Louise Arbour, C.C., G.O.Q.
Rosewood Hotel Georgia
Vancouver, Canada
March 19, 2015

2014-2015 Graduate Research Awards for Disarmament, Arms Control and Non-Proliferation
Award Winners Debates
Opening Remarks
Lester B. Pearson Building
Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Canada (DFATD)
Ottawa, Canada
February 20, 2015

"The Future of the NPT - Towards a Nuclear Weapon Free World"
Arrêtez La Bombe International Conference on the Promotion of Nuclear Disarmament
Assemblée Nationale
Paris, France
June 26-27, 2014

"The Intransigence and Transgressions of the United Nations Security Council"
Keynote Speech
Canada International Model United Nations (CAIMUN) 2014
Vancouver, Canada
May 24-26, 2014

2013-2014 Graduate Research Awards for Disarmament, Arms Control and Non-Proliferation Research
Award Winner Debates
Opening Remarks
Lester B. Pearson Building
Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Canada (DFATD)
Ottawa, Canada
February 21, 2014

Intervention on Concern about Possession, on the very Existence of Nuclear Weapons - Corfu Channel Case ICJ Legal Precedent
Second Conference on the Humanitarian Impact of Nuclear Weapons
Nayarit, Mexico
February 13-14, 2014

Third Simons Symposium on Weapons of Mass Destruction and their Elimination
Opening Address
60th Pugwash Conference on Science & World Affairs on Dialogue, Disarmament & Regional and Global Security
Adile Sultan Palace
Istanbul, Turkey
November 1-5, 2013

Global Zero India-Pakistan Student Institute
Opening Remarks
Istanbul, Turkey
October 31, 2013

"The Imperative of, and Funding Campaigns for, Nuclear Disarmament"
Celebrating Peace Philanthropy and Furthering Peace Education in the Footsteps of Andrew Carnegie International Symposium
The Hague Peace Palace
September 3, 2013

"The Increasing Fragility of the NPT"
Keynote Speech
Canada International Model United Nations (CAIMUN) 2013
Richmond, Canada
May 24, 2013

"Prospects for Nuclear Disarmament Following the Re-election of Barack Obama"
Keynote Address
2013 Graduate Research Awards for Disarmament, Arms Control and Non-proliferation Debates
Ottawa, Canada
February 22, 2013

"Prospects for Nuclear Disarmament"
Briefings to Australian Joint Parliamentary Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade
and Australian Department of Foreign Affairs
Canberra, Australia
November 28, 2012

"Prospects for Nuclear Disarmament"
Public Seminar
Centre for Nuclear Non-Proliferation and Disarmament
Crawford School of Public Policy, Australian National University College of Asia and the Pacific
Australian National University
Canberra, Australia
November 26, 2012

Remarks on European Security and Nuclear Disarmament
Global Zero Institute
Brussels, Belgium
November 13, 2012

Remarks on the Dangers of Nuclear Weapons and the Marshall Islands Tragic Experience
Global Zero Institute
Chicago, Illinois
October 13, 2012

Remarks on Nuclear Disarmament
2012 Canada International Model United Nations (CAIMUN)
Vancouver, Canada
May 25-27, 2012

"Nuclear Testing in the Marshall Islands"
Introduction to the screening of "Nuclear Savage: The Islands of Secret Project 4.1" - a documentary by Adam Jonas Horowitz
DOXA Documentary Film Festival
Vancouver, Canada
May 6, 2012

"Science, Ethics and Social Responsibility"
Pugwash Workshop: Science and Social Responsibility: Rising Problems, Wise Iniatives
UNESCO Headquarters
Paris, France
March 14-15, 2012

Remarks at the Global Zero Student Summit at Yale University
New Haven, Connecticut
February 18-19, 2012

"Presidential Nuclear Initiatives"
Remarks on the 25th Anniversary of the Reagan/Gorbachev Reykjavik Summit
Global Zero Summit
Ronald Reagan Presidential Library
October 11-12, 2011

"An Obstacle to Elimination of Nuclear Weapons"
The Political and Public Campaign for Global Zero
Global Zero Summit
London, UK
June 21-23, 2011

"European Security and Nuclear Disarmament"
Simons Symposium on European Security and Nuclear Disarmament
59th Pugwash Conference on Science & World Affairs:
European Contributions to Nuclear Disarmament & Conflict Resolution
Berlin, Germany
July 1-4, 2011

"Nuclear Dangers - Nuclear Disarmament"
Lions Gate Women's Probus Club of North Shore Vancouver
West Vancouver, B.C.
May 2, 2011

"Honouring Women"
Global Zero Leadership Breakfast
Global Zero/DC Youth Conference
Washington, DC
April 8-10, 2011

“Human Security, Disarmament and Non-Proliferation In an Age of Terror”
The Wisdom of the Survivor Conference
Center on Terrorism, John Jay College of Criminal Justice
The City University of New York
May 4, 2010

“The Nuclear Weapons Convention: How to Prohibit and Eliminate Nuclear Weapons of Mass Destruction”
For a Nuclear-free, Peaceful, Just and Sustainable World Conference
Riverside Church, New York City
April 30–May 1, 2010

Public Campaign for Global Zero Remarks
Global Zero World Summit
Paris, France
February 2–4, 2010

"Nuclear Weapons - Preparing the Ground for Zero: Nuclear Disarmament Beyond the NPT”
Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs
The Hague, the Netherlands
April 17–20, 2009

“Prohibiting Nuclear Weapons”
International House Peace and Understanding Lecture
The University of Queensland, Australia
September 5, 2007

“Random Terror: Landmines, Cluster Bombs and Alternatives”
The Australian Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies
The University of Queensland, Australia
September 2007

"Why Disarmament?”
On her retirement as Executive Director of the Simons Centre for Disarmament and Non-Proliferation Research, Liu Institute for Global Issues, The University of British Columbia
Vancouver, B.C., Canada
April 22, 2005

“Signposts, Milestones to a Culture of Peace”
Valuing the Culture of Peace Conference
Victoria, B.C., Canada
August 9–11, 2000

The Simons Foundation Award for Distinguished Global Leadership in the Service of Peace and Disarmament
Award Presentation
Dinner in honour of the Hon. Lloyd Axworthy, PC, OC, OM, Ph.D.
Fairmont Waterfront Hotel
Vancouver, Canada
October 29, 1999




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